It’s Official! We’re a broker on GetCoveredNJ

Here we come New Jersey…

We’re excited to announce that Healthwhiz Solutions is officially a broker agency on GetCoveredNJ, New Jersey’s official health insurance marketplace.

As a certified broker, our president, Ruthlyn Noel-Joseph, can provide in person and telephonic assistance to answer questions, schedule appointments and help with enrollment. She can also educate consumers about the availability of federal and state financial assistance.

If you’re looking for  health insurance for yourself or family, let’s discuss your options.

All health plans offered through CoveredNJ cover preventive care, such as routine doctor visits and screenings – at no additional cost.

For more information about GetCoveredNJ health plans and enrolling in coverage, visit:

How to make a request to work with us?

NJ consumers can reach out directly by calling 516-223-0704 or through our website.

If you already have an account on GetCoveredNJ, log in and request us from your portal.

Here are the steps to find us from the GetCoveredNJ site:

  1. Look for and click on the Get Help button.
  2. Scroll down to Agents and Brokers and click on Find Local Assistance link
  3. Click on the Find A New Jersey Certified Agent or Broker Near You button.
  4. In the Search By Name box, enter either Ruthlyn Noel-Joseph or Healthwhiz Solutions.


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