Covid-19 Or Something Else?
You don’t feel quite right. You’ve got a runny nose, cough, or congestion. You don’t have much of an appetite because everything seems to upset your stomach. You’re worried. Is it Covid-19? The flu? Or a cold?
All About That Mask
How do you feel when you see someone wearing a mask below their nose? Do you roll your eyes and move away? Do you dare say something to that non-mask wearing offender?
Getting Shots In The Era Of COVID-19
Can I get a flu shot? Butterflies in my stomach, just as if it were the first day of school before the coronavirus changed everything. As a pharmacist giving shots in a pandemic is a brand-new game…
Don’t fall prey to spreading unfounded claims about the Coronavirus
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus towards the end of 2019, there’ve been plenty of misinformation and false claims spreading like wildfire on social media platforms.
Coronavirus fever affecting you yet?
Does it seem all everyone wants to talk about these days is COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus Disease 2019)?